Malaysian Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger

Hada Labo to the Rescue!

So this morning I washed my face, used my facial scrub, looked into the mirror and =O!!! My cheeks were flaking like crazy!! T_T I admit it.. I've been abandoning my normal 'skincare routine' due to the exams (mornings, I'm rushing off to college and before bed, I'm so sleepy from burning the midnight oil). Look at my poor cheeks.. My skin is peeling all over my cheeks and it's red all over.

What do I turn to when my skin is dry and dehydrated? Hada Labo, of course! I used my usual 2 drops of the Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Lotion and patted on my face starting from my cheeks (I always start from my cheeks because they are the driest). You wouldn't believe this.. My cheeks were so thirsty that the moment I patted on my cheeks, it was all gone! =/ There wasn't any left on my palm for the rest of my face at all. So I decided to give it more moisture by topping up with the Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Cream (geez.. companies need to learn to come up with shorter names). Some many pattings (is there even such a word?) later, I present to you the After.

Ta-da! Flakiness no more. My skintone has also went back to normal. Don't you just love Hada Labo? =) It's an immediate cure for dry, dehydrated skin, transforming your skin in 5 minutes. Now, if you don't already own anything from Hada Labo, I suggest you drag yourself to your nearest Guardian's (Malaysia) or Watson's (Singapore) to grab one.

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