Malaysian Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger

Shaping My Eyebrows

Not claiming I'm a pro.. This is just how I shape my brows. I don't think it's the perfect shape yet but it's definitely improving lol
Messy eyebrows :

Pluck ALL the strays!
Only pluck those you are sure shouldn't be there.

Using a spoolie/eyebrow brush, I brush the hair upwards and snip off the extras. This ensures no long hairs get brushed out of place later and ruin the shape. For the outer end (towards the ears), brush the hair downwards instead.

I then switch to a small blade to shave away hair that I'm not sure if it should belong there =/ Shaved hair will grow back but when you pluck them, there's a chance that they will just disappear forever. These cute small blades can be found at Daiso for RM 5 (3 pcs).

After this, look at your brows and repeat if you think the result is not good enough. Try to make it a habit to 'maintain' your eyebrows everyday or every few days, depending on the rate your eyebrows grow. When mine goes seriously out of shape, I like to get it professionally reshaped at places like Empro. It's just RM 10 and if you maintain it, you don't have to reshape it often.

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