Malaysian Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger

Birthday at Beanieplex!

This post is so late! I had my first try of the TGV Cinema Beanieplex thanks to Tammy! It was her blog's birthday~

Lovely decorations by Ask Joey.

Look at all the props!

Jars of Honey Strawberry Sugar Scrub for all of us to take home~ They smell so nice!

Almost couldn't recognize Chency because her blue hair was masked by the dark lighting. A number of people turned up in really Superman outfits, complete with capes!! =O

I've heard numerous bad comments about Beanieplex saying it's smelly, hard to sit, uncomfortable etc but it was surprisingly nice..! The beanbags are made of leather-like material and aren't  like those round ones that lump up at the bottom. It is also spacious and perfect for people who want to ber-dating in cinema lulz..

Theme was blue and red so I wore a comfy British flag top and le bf told me, "Superman is from US not UK lar.." cis!

Unrelated photo of me with my new Peach Hippo!

Unfortunately, had to leave early and couldn't stay back for cake cutting =( As for the movie.. It was alright.. Very similar looking to Clark Kent of Smallville!


  1. Ur bf's comment very LOL ah! XD The Beanieplex was much more comfy than i expected, but also quite small, haha. Nice that they had leather beanbags though. :D

  2. Yeah! So glad I managed to try it out.


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