Malaysian Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger

Lose Weight and your Tummy in 2 Weeks

According to the Westerners, although you poop everyday, some still accumulate in your body. For normal people, this can go on until there is about 3-6 kg of faeces in your body! Let me repeat...

3 to 6

 According to this poop-chart, 12.8% of my mass is poop! And if you're obese, that number goes up to 7-11 kg =_=" Gross!

It's like.. you're lugging around an extra 6 kg everyday.. everywhere..

If I can expel all that from my body, I would be 41 kg only! (Assuming I have 6kg lol)

Apart from the 6kg of poop, wouldn't it be nice to eliminate excess fats as well? You might already know that certain food contain more calories while others contain less.

High calorie food = Gain weight
Low calorie food = Burn calories

Excluding those 'diet suppressors' or other harmful diet methods, you just need to eat clean and exercise regularly! Easier said than done, huh? I totally understand.. But there's an easier way - Negative Calorie Fibre Drink. You don't have to starve and the method is 100% safe, organic, natural and non-medicinal.

Negative Calorie Fibre Drink contains 5 of these low calorie foodstuff : 

Lemon, Celery, Asparagus, Wheat Grass & Barley Grass
All combined into one drink. Isn't that much easier than eating these 5 everyday? Haha.. It also contains Chicory Fibre, Oligosaccharides, Psyllium & Vitamin C. Each sachet contains 15 gm of fibre to help your body eliminate accumulated faeces. 

It comes in this powder form so I just chuck a few in my bag and mix with room temperature water.

What does it taste like?

Green taste.. The best I can help you imagine is probably.. Sweet Chinese 'leong sui' (traditional drink for heatiness). It's sweet because of the cane sugar essence which is calorie-free and will not be absorbed into your body. Can be thick so make sure you mix with a full glass of water.

2 Week Slimming Programme

Not like I really need it but I'm really grossed out by the 6 kg of poop part =/ Consume 1 sachet before breakfast AND 1 sachet before sleep.


After the 2 weeks are over, maintain your new healthier body by consuming 1 sachet daily either before breakfast or before bedtime.

On both occasions, remember to drink lots of water to help expel toxins. It is recommended to have 6 x 300 ml daily.


  • Remove excess body fat
  • Purify intestines, remove accumulated faeces
  • Supplement lack of fibre and anti-oxidants
  • Improve skin condition
  • Remove toxins from body
  • Maintain pH balance and increase immunity


From the first day itself, I experienced the expected minimum of 1-2 normal bowel movements daily.

I'm amazed.. Didn't expect it to work! I had this really uncomfortable tummy that was bloated and it made me feel sluggish and constantly 'full'. Negative Calorie seemed to have gotten rid of that! The difference in measurements isn't a lot but I feel so much less bloated and the difference is noticeable. Effects are more apparent on the tummy area but I guess with long term consumption, it will balance your whole body.

It is available at Watson's, SaSa and other leading pharmacies and is priced at RM 99 for 15 sachets.

** Product was provided by the company for review purposes. However, this has not affected my thoughts on the product in any way.


  1. Actually, to be honest, Asians are now being highly sought after in the modeling industry. They are adaptable to fun to flirty to serious emotions. Their eyes are seen as exotic and thick hair is coveted after. And isn't the new trend winged eyeliner? Guess where that idea of eye shape came from? I think that every single human being is beautiful and it is a disgrace to call someone ugly and only humiliates the person who said it. Every race, every combination is unique and exotic in their own ways. Don't let other people tell you otherwise. I am Asian, raised by Americans and never in my life have been called ugly. I wear very very little makeup (just some mascara and powder) and am complimented by all different types of people. In my belief, Asians are very pretty, yet so is everyone else.

  2. come on people.. lets say the truth...asians (in general) are fake.. i talking about girls.. they wear contact to make ayes look bigger, fake eyelashes, tons of make up, they go for plastic surgeries to change their faces.. besides .. hey dont have curves... sooo plain.... im making generalizations!! i know.. but WE ALL KNOW it is true...! and the ones who doesnt use make up look pretty ugly... latinas and white are more natural and they are pretty with or without make up... and black girls have curves...(latinas included) ... end of story...

  3. remove the hair style, the make- up , the clothes, the push ups and the photoshop.. i mean these girls are not naturally beautiful...!!!

  4. I'm asian (chinese). I have double eyelids. I wear no make up and I have curves. :)

  5. this val girl is so childish .macam budak certain she's just a 15 y/o wannabiatch who really lives in some kind of is so dumb to say the least...not all asian are monolid u dumb.....there are the indian,malays,indo and other races with bigger eyes than u val the half asian lol..there are pakis and afghan with colored eyes too,with brown and blonde hair

    and so_fia,excuse moi,i've lived my life working with foreigners from all over the world,seen kings and billionaires,i've met a very2 humble american billionaire whom i thought was an ordinary man,seen ppl from famous country to isolated island like fiji and las reunion ,and not all white are pretty without make up.most of them,without make up has very white pale skin like ghost,white red nose or rednesss on their skin from imperfection such as pimples and rashes.most of white ppl do wear make up and tanners.and those over tanned,has bad brown spot and patches on their face.white women age older than asian,their 23 y/o simply looks like 33 in everybody eyes

    and so_fia,i guess u r 15 too and never go out frm ur

    we asian are just so happy with our colour and wear minimal makeup,we dont age fast,we look way younger than western women,our skin glows without tanners,we are confident that we dont have to mock others just to show our insecure

  6. I think most of us are talking about girls with oriental features! like CHINESE, VIET, JAPANESE etc... with slanted eyes and yellow skin.

    Indian girls from India are beatiful as have been said here...they have tanned skin and beatiful big eyes of different colours .. besides indian girls have nice bodies with curves... their hair is black and silky ..DEF.THEY ARE NATURALLY PRETTY...

    the other asian girls (generally) are not hot

  7. i think we are all talking about girls with oriental features and yellow skin like viet, chinese, japanese and so on...yes these girls with slanted eyes (generally) are not attractive ...they are pretty ugly without make up... One male friend told me that asian girls look like asian men but with long hair....(probably because their plain bodies and similar face)
    btw Indian girls from india are beautiful.. they have big eyes of different colors, naturally tanned skin, silky hair and nice CURVES.

  8. Not all asian women without make up are ugly, any woman can be ugly without make up, god don't be so racist, please take down this blog

  9. If you look at the pictures properly, I'm not the one who said so =/

  10. You have obviously never been to asia

  11. Haha its so funny howw youre so insecure about yourself honey

  12. Hahaha well then youve probably never seen an asian from upclose coz i swesr to god theey look better then you latina hoes

  13. Haha have u seen all thee fuckin barbies tht walk on this earth where the majority is not asian dumbass

  14. Same. Double eyelids, chinese, and quite gifted in the chest

  15. Is there something wrong with trying to look pretty? And how ironic that whites and Latinas who are naturally more pretty, use as much makeup, and go through just as much plastic surgery.

  16. u-live -under-the -rock07 December, 2014 01:09

    White ppl do tanning, fake lashes, deep makeup 💄, boobs and butt job plus plastic surgery

  17. u-live -under-the -rock07 December, 2014 01:10

    White ppl are just as ugly without makeup 💄 and they always try to make their eye looks smaller

  18. u-live -under-the -rock07 December, 2014 01:10

    Ugly girl bitching

  19. u-live -under-the -rock07 December, 2014 01:11

    White ppl do the same fake things u motherfucker double standard moron

  20. u-live -under-the -rock07 December, 2014 01:13

    Poor u ugly person, I happened to be a full asian with big eyes 👀and high bridge that still looks asian and not ugly u racist moron


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