Slightly-short but super comfortable striped lazy pants are from Zalora. I swear I would have purchased more if only they had more pretty designs.
Zalora 15% Discount Code
Oversized white button shirt is from Clothes Buffet Malaysia. Super duper love it cos it goes well with just about anything - pants, skirts, shorts or even over dresses.
Clothes Buffet Malaysia
A unique grab-all-you-can shopping event where you pay 1 price for all the clothes you can fit into a bag
A unique grab-all-you-can shopping event where you pay 1 price for all the clothes you can fit into a bag
I've worn both pieces so many times already because they're both so comfy! Even my shoes from RedEye are epic comfy okay.. I guess weekends are just lazy days for me so I like to wear comfortable clothes haha..
Thank you Elie for being my photographer of the day. We should go out more LOL =x Btw, all photos here were taken with my Samsung NX300M.
i love t-shirt color and zebra pant are awesome, you select good product from zalora